We have thoughtfully curated a variety of offers for you to choose from. Each of our properties has numerous attractive deals to make your stay even more rewarding. Avail these exciting offers and make the most of your stay!
For a limited time, you can book Starling Hotels and Resorts at the incredible starting price of just Rs. 1799/person and get your stay, all your meals and your activities included in the price. You get a lavish breakfast buffet, lunch buffet, tea and dinner buffet as part of the package along with a variety of other benefits.
You also get a wide range of exhilarating activities to engage in such as Zip Lining, Oracle Rides, Nature Walks, Bird Watching, Archery, Campfire and more so that you can explore this natural wonderland and spend time in the great indoors. Our expert guides and trainers will help you learn new skills and try out different activities.
Don’t wait - Call us now to book this amazing deal and enjoy one of the best and most acclaimed resorts in Dandeli to your heart’s content. With an infinity pool, play area, delectable cuisine and breathtaking views, a stay at Starling Resorts and Hotels is exactly what you need.